craft, diy, fabric, sewing

Sewing Weekender Swap Haul

sewing weekender

The week I heard my scholarship to China had fallen through because not enough people had applied, was the week the Foldlines Sewing Weekender was announced. The stars aligned. I bought my tickets at once and so did a lot of other people. That day was impulse buy day for many UK sewers! There was such a demand and the event was such a success that I have a feeling more will definitely be taking place. Which is brilliant because I know many more people wanted to come.


There have been blog posts from Lucy from Sew Essential Rach (Rach Against the Machine), Crafty Clyde, Charlotte (English Girl at Home), Ginger Thread GirlFehr Trade, The Fabric Wangler and What Corrine Did…I think that's every blog post..

..and if you still want more Gabby did an amazing vlog  capturing some of the atmosphere. We were 50 woman, who love sewing….and were crazily excited about being with so many other people who loved sewing. Imagine a sewing comic con. We were all very passionate about our hobby!!!!

If you notice there's not a single moment where I'm captured sat down sewing. I'm eating, hanging out at the fabric/pattern swapping area and chatting. That is a realistic portrait of how I spent the weekend.

Photographic evidence.


I imagine lots of people can relate when I say, I knew zero people who sewed when I started sewing. Meet ups are the stuff of my dreams and how I met lots, if not all, of my sewing friends. I mingled and talked and relished in the fact that everyone was so open, friendly and willing to talk sewing.

Now, I'm gonna get down to it and tell you about my finds from the swap. Nothing amplifies the phrase to me ‘one mans rubbish is another mans treasure' quite like a good old sewing meet up swap!

Here are the larger pieces of fabric I got, there seems to be a theme going on. For some reason that day blue was speaking to me! and vintage flower prints. No idea what I will do with this lot but I do love looking at it.


Now for the smaller pieces. Again, another theme going on here! These pieces are quite tiny but because of that I have less choices and more on an idea of what I'll make with each bit. The first fabric I'm gonna try and make a pair, of very tiny, shorts. The middle one is maybe enough for a scarf and the last piece, which is jersey, I can get a small top out of.


I tried to be as restrained as possible with the patterns, when I first started sewing patterns/Burda magazines were my biggest impulse buy and I am very aware that I have more patterns than I will ever need…but oh the possibilities…

These two vintages pieces caught my eye. They are so pretty and I can imagine swishing around in the left one and as for the one on the right, I can never say no to a 60's pattern in my size. The sixties are my favourite decade.


Ever since Rosabella mentioned the Overture Set on one her vlog I knew I needed this pattern. I was gonna buy the magazine, which it came with, but luckily someone brought it to the swap. I love it, oversized clothes are my preferred silhouette and I'm looking through the stash so I can get this made as soon as possible! The other pattern looks like a nice staple dress…yeah, not as enthused about that one but it's got potential.


These two last patterns are part of a project I have mulling around in my brain. I want to find my perfect shirtdress. Making wardrobe staples is my next big challenge, now my sewing is beyond a hope-this-works-out level, and I really want to find what makes me feel confident and comfortable and I think shirt dresses are the way to go.


I wish I could thank everyone personally for their donations! I am really grateful to get such lovely stuff as I'm trying, and sometimes failing, at buying as little fabric as possible this year.

If anyone is going to Sew Brum I'll see you there..maybe…more than a hundred people are coming, so if you spot me say hi!  🙂

Meg xx


Megan valero

About Megan

eco sustainable natural fabric and exclusive print for the fashion and dressmaking industry wholesale supplier.

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13 thoughts on “Sewing Weekender Swap Haul

  1. megsewing says:

    Really!!!! I’m gonna have a look back at the pictures but I didn’t notice anyone with bad hair! but I am dying about how bad I look in the big group picture :,( hahaha
    This event needs to happen again!!!! So much fun!! xx

  2. This was so much fun – so funny too that I’m in all three of your photos – If I can get a ticket next time I will be definitely sorting my hair out. Great round up of the weekend and so nice to revisit it. Thank you for sharing it

  3. megsewing says:

    sorry it took me so long to reply! I was moving and then there was no internet at home! This is the dressmaking group
    I’ve been to a few of their things and everyone is wonderful x

  4. megsewing says:

    Haha well at least you helped a bit. My first thought for the plaid fabric was a mini skirt! I think it’s all this 90s revival I keep seeing around 🙂
    Yes, I added ties! I was wearing the Nettie dress and the dress kept slipping off my shoulders so I thought ties would make me feel more comfortable, I will post that soon with more details xx

  5. kathryn says:

    The Sewing Weekend looks like it was such great fun! I’ve loved seeing everyone’s photos and blog posts about it. Your fabric and pattern haul is pretty great too! That cream and red plaid really takes me back – I made a simple mini skirt from fabric just like that in the 90s – when I say made I mean I chose the fabric & pattern then badgered my mum into helping me & pretty much sewing it for me!

    I love your dress, have you added ties to the back?

  6. Ann Watts says:

    What is the dressmaking meet up group? I love fabric shopping so would be interested in groups like this ( plus I assume they may meet for other things!) Away in September but who knows, maybe next time ThNks for info re Claire too – monthly visits to Walthamstow sounds good( if dangerous!)

  7. Highball Emy says:

    Ooh I’m going to Birmingham! Hope we get a chance to say hello, I love your blog.

  8. megsewing says:

    Thank you. I was gutted!! I studied really hard for the test but guess life has other plans. I need to blog that nettie it’s a favourite make and I have pictures! I’ll see you soon 😀 xx

  9. megsewing says:

    ooh no. Im don’t know about any meet up in November but I do know about the dressmaking meet up group is going fabric shopping in late september but not sure if you can make that. I do know claire from clairesews is planning a monthly walthamstow meet up too but if any more comes up I’ll let you know x

  10. I’m sorry to hear your China scholarship fell through but you looked beautiful in that dress in your pictures! See you in a few weeks! X

  11. Ann watts says:

    Aah Another meet up I cannot make-
    Met Gabby at a swap in London, were you there?
    Do you know anything about a meet up that is being planned for November in London????

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